Bine ai venit la Reborn Testing
Indulge in the
and be reborn
Bine ai venit la Reborn
Indulge in floating experience
and be reborn
Stress and anxiety reduction
Float therapy offers a unique sense of calm and relaxation.
Floating can reduce the sensation of pain by releasing endorphins, which are brain chemicals that reduce the sensation of pain.
As it calms the nervous system and induces a state of tranquility, this benefit is considered one of the most important aspects of float therapy.
Improved immune system
Float therapy can help increase the body's ability to fight diseases and infections by reducing cortisol levels, which can suppress the immune system.
Improved blood circulation
Oxygenation of tissues is considered extremely important for the overall health of the body.
Unique Concept
urban retreat
REBORN FLOAT & SPA invites you to transcend the classic SPA experience and enjoy a premium, exclusive, and intimate URBAN RETREAT that celebrates LIFE and will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.
REBORN FLOAT & SPA invites you to transcend the classic SPA experience and enjoy a premium, exclusive, and intimate URBAN RETREAT that celebrates LIFE and will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.
Unique Concept
urban retreat
The Ultimate
Wellbeing Experience
Essentially, FLOATING is one of the world’s most powerful remedies for deep RELAXATION and ultra-rapid REGENERATION. Through gravity nullification, floating in a pool with 25 cm of magnesium sulfate-saturated solution (500 kg of Epsom salt dissolved in the same amount of water), combined with the reduction of external stimuli such as light and sound, you will be liberated from the constraints of your body, gaining a new power of focus, mental clarity, and creativity.
the art of
Reborn Float & Spa is the place where massage meets the art of relaxation.
Infrared Sauna
Detoxify, relax and
Elevate your well-being with our state-of-the-art Infrared Sauna.
The Ultimate
Wellbeing Experience
Infrared Sauna
Detoxify, relax and
wellbeing experience
a perfect gift
Are you looking for the perfect gift? Discover the magic of a unique experience with our special customizable voucher.
the art of
Reborn Float & Spa is the place where massage meets the art of relaxation.
Floating – The Ultimate Wellbeing Experience
În esență Floating-ul este una dintre cele mai puternice tehnici de relaxare profundă prin gravitație zero.
urban retreat
Unique Concept
Are you looking for the perfect gift? Discover the magic of a unique experience with our special customizable voucher.
wellbeing experience
a perfect gift
We kindly ask all our guests to take a shower using the provided cleansing products (shower gel and shampoo) before their floating session to remove any substances from their skin and hair. You’ll feel much better during the float session after a shower.
The water goes through a 3-stage filtration and sanitization process before each client’s session. In the first stage, a physical filter removes any debris, then UV and ozone filters destroy harmful pathogens. UV enhances ozone, making it 7-10 times more powerful than chlorine for water treatment. Additionally, the high concentration of Epsom salt prevents the growth of any bacteria. Every time you enter the float cabin, it’s effectively a new and prepared experience just for you! Our entire team ensures that you have the best experience every time.
Since our retreat has limited availability, all floating sessions are scheduled and prepaid to ensure you are treated as you deserve! In our relaxation lounge, you can find teas, interesting books, and other services you can enjoy. Many of our clients arrive a little early for their sessions or stay a bit longer to relax in our retreat. Don’t forget, if you can’t make it to us after scheduling, rescheduling can be done within a minimum of 24 hours’ notice before the scheduled session.
You don’t need to bring anything with you, as we provide everything you need. The only thing you truly need to bring is yourself. We take care of providing clean towels, bath products, earplugs, a pleasant ambiance, or even a warm tea. Everything is ready for you to enjoy an authentic hour of relaxation!
Regarding float therapy sessions, we recommend our clients to wait at least 10 days after dyeing and three hair washes to ensure the color is well-set . If the color doesn’t run when you shower, then it’s okay.
We kindly ask all our guests to take a shower using the provided cleansing products (shower gel and shampoo) before their floating session to remove any substances from their skin and hair. You’ll feel much better during the float session after a shower.
The water goes through a 3-stage filtration and sanitization process before each client’s session. In the first stage, a physical filter removes any debris, then UV and ozone filters destroy harmful pathogens. UV enhances ozone, making it 7-10 times more powerful than chlorine for water treatment. Additionally, the high concentration of Epsom salt prevents the growth of any bacteria. Every time you enter the float cabin, it’s effectively a new and prepared experience just for you! Our entire team ensures that you have the best experience every time.
Since our retreat has limited availability, all floating sessions are scheduled and prepaid to ensure you are treated as you deserve! In our relaxation lounge, you can find teas, interesting books, and other services you can enjoy. Many of our clients arrive a little early for their sessions or stay a bit longer to relax in our retreat. Don’t forget, if you can’t make it to us after scheduling, rescheduling can be done within a minimum of 24 hours’ notice before the scheduled session.
You don’t need to bring anything with you, as we provide everything you need. The only thing you truly need to bring is yourself. We take care of providing clean towels, bath products, earplugs, a pleasant ambiance, or even a warm tea. Everything is ready for you to enjoy an authentic hour of relaxation!
O să experiență deosebită. Am fost foarte odihnită și relaxată zilele următoare.
February 28, 2024Un loc de poveste, un loc în care chiar renaști. Atmosfera este extrem de plăcută, uiți de toți și de toate, ești tu cu tine. Recomand cu mare drag.
March 8, 2024A wonderful opportunity to thoroughly relax and achieve a peaceful state of mind with no effort, in a safe and friendly environment. You can get the results of a day's meditation retreat instantly, without putting up with numbness, sore limbs or backpain. The cleanliness of the spa meets the most demanding standards. Florina took the time to explain the process and the benefits of the floating therapy, as well as to receive feedback at the end of the session over a cup of tea. No rush, no noise, no crowd, just a feeling of wellbeing that endures well into my work week. Highly recommended!
April 1, 2024 -
Vizită la Reborn, a fost o îmbrățișare pentru mine însumi. Am avut parte de o relaxare, am simțit cum timpul e mai blând cu mine și îmi oferă un ragaz să mă recuperez de la stresul cotidian. Atmosfera a fost una calmă și relaxantă, iar personalul a fost extrem de profesionist și atent la nevoile mele. Recomand cu căldură acest loc tuturor celor care doresc să experimenteze o senzație unică de bine și liniște interioară.
April 28, 2024Pluteste, zboara, viseaza si prinde aripi e ceea ce am simtit in acesta minunata locatie, super concept ...., cu siguranta revin cu drag
March 18, 2024Such a magic place, you have to visit. Better to feel than 10 times to hear
July 28, 2024 -
Recomand cu mult drag Reborn Float&Spa tuturor celor care caută o experiență de relaxare profundă și o pauză de la agitația cotidiană. Este cu adevărat o oază de liniște și revitalizare în mijlocul vieții agitate.
February 28, 2024Am avut parte de o experienta unica, intr-o atmosfera de vis, traind senzații incredibile, intr-un loc totul deosebit în Timisoara, unde totul este gândit pana la cele mai mici detalii! În cele 2 ore de jacuzzi, plutire și sauna am reușit sa ma relaxez și sa ma deconectez total, ceea ce nu mi s-a întâmplat pana acum! Recomand cu mare încredere experienta unica de floating, abia aștept sa revin!
March 8, 2024O surpriza cu adevărat plăcută acest loc. Am venit aici cu o durere de cap și curiozitate de cum va fi ora de floating și am plecat relaxata, fără durere de cap și deconectată complet de la zumzetul orașului și al minții. Atmosfera este extrem de plăcută și primirea foarte calda. Am apreciat și faptul ca nu trebuie sa vii pregătit cu absolut nimic acolo, au ei grija de tot. Recomand din suflet!
March 25, 2024 -
Atmosfera întregului spa este foarte relaxantă, de la lumina plăcută până la muzica liniştitoare. Recomand cu drag şi abia aştept să revin!
February 28, 2024An authentic experience, the floating part was so relaxing! the spa is super on point and premium. highly recommend it!
April 28, 2024Surpriza sejurului de anul acesta in Timisoara a fost sa descopar chiar in hotelul ibis Reborn float&spa. Un loc cu un vibe bun, premium, primitor si de bun gust unde totul arata grija pentru detaliu, respectul pentru cel ce-i trece pragul si multa implicare. Felicitari! Experienta este una total aparte, nu poate fi asemuita cu alt tip de wellness cunoscut, as descrie senzatia astfel: parca degete de apa te sustin invizibil si te invaluie intr-o mangaiere care ii permite corpului tau sa fie liber si mintii sa viseze. Timpul si spatiul isi pierd dimensiunile percepute in mod normal. Voi reveni cu siguranta cand voi avea din nou ocazia si recomand calduros experienta.
July 28, 2024
Un loc de vis de unde nu ti ai dori sa mai pleci dar e bine si pentru câteva ore de relaxare prin plutire,jacuzzi, saună, masaj ( o thailandeză cu mâni de aur)D na Florina o profesionistă desăvârșită, dedicată, atentă la nevoile clienților ,personalul atent, profesionist și aproape de nevoile clienților, se oferă din partea casei, ceai, limonadă ,apa și toată atenția pentru a oferi clienților intimitatea necesară relaxării profunde. Recomand cu toată încrederea acestă experienta
August 28, 2024 -
Recomand cu mult drag Reborn Float&Spa tuturor celor care caută o experiență de relaxare profundă și o pauză de la agitația cotidiană. Este cu adevărat o oază de liniște și revitalizare în mijlocul vieții agitate.
February 28, 2024 -
An authentic experience, the floating part was so relaxing! the spa is super on point and premium. highly recommend it!
April 28, 2024 -
An amazing experience. Amazing atmosphere and great people. Everything it’s just amazing about this place👏🥰 Great job! 🥰
July 28, 2024 -
Locul este amenajat cu un mare rafinament si cu mare grija la toate detaliile, cu lucruri de cea mai buna calitate. Este un loc si un serviciu exceptional. O excelenta curatenie si personal foarte respectuos si binevoitor. Experienta intrece descrierea. Despre floating pot spune ca este iarasi o experienta experienta de linistire in profunzime, foarte placuta, si foarte profunda. Recomand din toata inima floatingul. Este o experienta terapeutica autentica. Recomand zece sedinte. De abia la a doua sedinta am reusit sa las total controlul. Dupa floatingba aparut o senzatie de prospetime si odihna cum nu am mai avut de foarte multa vreme. Patronul este si el (ea) un om.exceptional. Recomand documentare inainte. Multumesc.
September 28, 2024 -
Un loc de poveste, un loc în care chiar renaști. Atmosfera este extrem de plăcută, uiți de toți și de toate, ești tu cu tine. Recomand cu mare drag.
March 8, 2024 -
Initial am fost incantat sa vad ca exista floating room in Timisoara, dar am zis sa incercam pachetul de spa overnight. Ideea ni s-a parut superba: sa poti face floating + sauna + hot tub peste noapte. Am fost incantat sa vad ca lucrurile chiar au fost high quality: de la echipamente pana la consumer goods. Stafful de la reborn, cat si din hotel este foarte prietenos si de ajutor. Recomand cui vrea sa se relaxeze. A fost o experienta superba.
October 14, 2024
What Are You Waiting For...
Make an appointment
Calm your mind and rejuvenate your senses with our exclusive welcoming offer . Experience weightless relaxation and mental clarity in our state-of-the-art floatation spa. Book your appointment now for a transformative session that transports you to a tranquil oasis, promoting deep relaxation and stress relief. Discover the benefits of sensory deprivation therapy and embark on a journey to inner peace. Reserve your session today and float into a world of serenity.
Our location
ibis Hotel Timisoara City Center, Calea Circumvalațiunii 8-10, Timișoara
Opening Hours
Tue-Sat: 14:00-20:00
Phone: +40-786-950850