Since floating is a state-of-the-art well-being technology for deep relaxation and ultra-rapid regeneration, which is less known in Romania, we’ve put together this list of frequently asked questions to help our guests fully enjoy their experience at the Reborn Float & Spa urban retreat.


We kindly ask all our guests to take a shower using the provided cleansing products (shower gel and shampoo) before their floating session to remove any substances from their skin and hair. You’ll feel much better during the float session after a shower.

The water goes through a 3-stage filtration and sanitization process before each client’s session. In the first stage, a physical filter removes any debris, then UV and ozone filters destroy harmful pathogens. UV enhances ozone, making it 7-10 times more powerful than chlorine for water treatment. Additionally, the high concentration of Epsom salt prevents the growth of any bacteria. Every time you enter the float cabin, it’s effectively a new and prepared experience just for you! Our entire team ensures that you have the best experience every time.

Since our retreat has limited availability, all floating sessions are scheduled and prepaid to ensure you are treated as you deserve! In our relaxation lounge, you can find teas, interesting books, and other services you can enjoy. Many of our clients arrive a little early for their sessions or stay a bit longer to relax in our retreat. Don’t forget, if you can’t make it to us after scheduling, rescheduling can be done within a minimum of 24 hours’ notice before the scheduled session.

You don’t need to bring anything with you, as we provide everything you need. The only thing you truly need to bring is yourself. We take care of providing clean towels, bath products, earplugs, a pleasant ambiance, or even a warm tea. Everything is ready for you to enjoy an authentic hour of relaxation!

Try to avoid caffeine or heavy meals 1-2 hours before your floating session, as these can inhibit your body’s ability to relax. Also, it’s recommended not to shave or wax 10-12 hours before, as Epsom salt may cause stinging. Another important thing is to stay hydrated before and after your float session for a more effective detoxification.

We recommend a light meal two hours before your floating session. It’s ideal not to be hungry while in the tank, but also not to feel too full.

Regarding float therapy sessions, we recommend our clients to wait at least 10 days after dyeing and three hair washes to ensure the color is well-set . If the color doesn’t run when you shower, then it’s okay.

To allow time for changing and showering before your float session, we suggest arriving at least 15 minutes before your appointment. Don’t worry about arriving too early; our retreat is designed to ensure no one gets bored!
Reborn provides the necessary privacy to all our clients. Both for relaxation and hygiene reasons, floating without a swimsuit is recommended, as swimsuits are made of textiles that promote bacterial presence. Most people do not use a swimsuit, but the choice is yours.

We recommend removing all jewelry to feel completely free. Additionally, we do not take responsibility for any loss or damage to the jewelry you bring into the tank.

Yes. Please remove your makeup before entering the tank. Reborn Float & Spa provides micellar water and makeup remover pads.

A standard float therapy session lasts 60 minutes, including time for showering before and after, with each room having its own shower cabin. Hair dryers are available both in the float pool area and in the dressing area. As you develop your float therapy practice, we recommend experimenting with longer sessions, between 90 minutes and 2 hours. Some people may require a longer session to achieve the level of relaxation they seek, while others feel great after a 60-minute session. After experiencing float therapy, you’ll find the session duration that suits you best.

Since floating is so relaxing, many people do fall asleep in the tank. One hour of floating, even when awake, is equivalent to five or six hours of deep sleep. It is also scientifically proven that float therapy improves sleep quality, making it highly beneficial for those suffering from insomnia.
Like sports, meditation, or many other activities, you’ll notice a greater difference in your mood if you have regular float therapy sessions. If the goal is pain relief, at least 10-15 sessions are recommended. For self-reconnection, mental rebalancing, or personal development, one session per week is recommended.
There are a few contraindications such as dialysis, open wounds or surgeries, epilepsy, or borderline personality disorder.
Float therapy is completely safe for pregnant women. Many pregnant women find unique relief while floating, as it relieves pressure on their backs. Pregnant women also report that floating is the perfect environment to connect with their baby, as they can feel the baby more easily in the tranquility of the tank. Pregnant women have also reported a reduction in the baby’s erratic movements inside the uterus, thanks to a phenomenon called the “mirror effect.” The baby is safe and secure inside the uterus, and the mother shares a similar experience in the float tanks. If you are in the third trimester of pregnancy or have any concerns, please consult your doctor before booking float sessions. Femeile însărcinate au raportat, de asemenea, o reducere a mișcărilor haotice ale copilului din interiorul uterului. Acest lucru se datorează unui apel fenomen „efect de oglindă.” Copilul este în siguranță și sigur interiorul uterului și mama împărtășește o experiență similară în bazinele de plutire. Femeile raportează o legătură mai puternică cu copilul lor atunci când sunt expuse la acest mediu. Dacă vă aflați în al treilea trimestru de sarcină, sau aveți nelămuriri, vă rugăm să consultați medicul înainte de a apela la sedinte de plutire.

If the wound is not too large or open, you can cover cuts and scratches with Vaseline. This will add a protective, waterproof layer to prevent stinging. If you choose not to use a gel or cream, the saltwater may sting but also has healing properties.

The weight limit is 120kg (264 pounds).
Our location is easily accessible in central Timisoara. If you choose to come by car, our location offers free parking for 2 hours!
What Are You Waiting For...

Make an appointment

Calm your mind and rejuvenate your senses with our exclusive welcoming offer . Experience weightless relaxation and mental clarity in our state-of-the-art floatation spa. Book your appointment now for a transformative session that transports you to a tranquil oasis, promoting deep relaxation and stress relief. Discover the benefits of sensory deprivation therapy and embark on a journey to inner peace. Reserve your session today and float into a world of serenity.

Our location

ibis Hotel Timisoara City Center, Calea Circumvalațiunii 8-10, Timișoara

Opening Hours

Tue-Sat: 14:00-20:00


Phone: +40-786-950850
Email: hello@rebornfloating.ro