The Science behind Floating

Float therapy offers various proven benefits through scientific studies.

Creșterea gradului de relaxare (inclusiv la persoanele cu stres sever), Scăderea nivelului de cortizol, Senzație subiectivă de a te simți ușor, ”fără greutate”.


Reducere a Nivelurilor de Stres, Stabilizare a Presiunii Arteriale.


Alinarea Durerilor Cronice, Optimizare Cardiovasculară, Combaterea oboselii și epuizării cronice, Reglarea Tensiunii Arteriale, Alinarea Tensiunii Cerebrale, Combaterea Depresiei și Anxietății, Ajutor Împotriva Obiceiurilor Nocive, Îmbunătățirea Calității Somnului, Combaterea Insomniei.

Optimizarea performanțelor și accelerarea recuperării, Optimism și nivel de concentrare crescute, Îmbunătățirea performanțelor  Htcg cognitive, Experiența unor stări alterate de conștiință, Îmbunătățirea capacității de a fi prezent și intuitiv.

Terapia prin Plutire

Terapia prin Plutire aduce beneficii variate, grupate în patru domenii principale

Physiological Changes

Reduction in Stress Levels (1, 2, 3, 4)

Stabilization of Blood Pressure (1, 2)

Beneficial Effects of Epsom Salt – facilitates muscle relaxation, reduces systolic pressure, and promotes vasodilation (1, 2, 3)

Post-Workout and Competition Sports Recovery (1, 2, 3)

Stimulation of Alpha and Theta Brain Waves(1, 2)

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Improvement of Specific Conditions

Alleviation of Chronic Pain (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

Cardiovascular Optimization (1)

Fights Fatigue and Chronic Exhaustion (1)

Blood Pressure Regulation (1)

Brain Tension Relief (1)

Alleviates Depression and Anxiety (1, 2, 3, 4)

Aid Against Harmful Habits (1)

Enhancement of Sleep Quality (1, 2, 3)

Fighting Insomnia (1, 2)

Rapid Recovery after Workouts or Competitions and Athletic Performance Enhancement (1, 2, 3)

Enhancement of Athletic Performance (1, 2, 3)

Enhancement of Overall Well-Being and Increased Energy Levels (1, 2)

Reduction of Muscle Pain (1)

Performance Enhancement and Recovery Response Improvement (1)

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Deep Rest

Increased Relaxation (including in individuals with severe stress) (1, 2)

Reduction in Cortisol Levels (1)

Subjective Sensation of Feeling Light and Weightless (1)

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Personal Development

Performance Optimization and Accelerated Recovery (1)

Increased Optimism and Concentration Levels (1, 2)

Enhancement of Cognitive Functioning (1)

Experience of Altered States of Consciousness (1, 2, 3, 4)

Improvement of Personal Well-being (1)

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How sensory deprivation and floating affect the brain

What Are You Waiting For...

Make an appointment

Calm your mind and rejuvenate your senses with our exclusive welcoming offer . Experience weightless relaxation and mental clarity in our state-of-the-art floatation spa. Book your appointment now for a transformative session that transports you to a tranquil oasis, promoting deep relaxation and stress relief. Discover the benefits of sensory deprivation therapy and embark on a journey to inner peace. Reserve your session today and float into a world of serenity.

Our location

ibis Hotel Timisoara City Center, Calea Circumvalațiunii 8-10, Timișoara

Opening Hours

Tue-Sat: 14:00-20:00


Phone: +40-786-950850